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Works Blog

Walter Anderson Audio Experience

Shannon Flaherty

The Walter Anderson Museum Audio Experience

This is not an ordinary museum audio guide. It is a 360 degree listening experience that puts listeners at the very center of Walter Anderson’s story; overhearing imagined conversations, listening to clips from almost a dozen interviews with those who knew him best, and bringing the sounds of the natural world into the museum with high tech mastery. 

The Audio Experience is the result of a collaboration between Goat in the Road Productions and the Walter Anderson Museum of Art (Ocean Springs, Mississippi). The project is made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts and Tulane University’s Monroe Fellowship Research Grant. We would like to thank the interviewees, Doug Myatt, Bradley Sumrall, and Mark Tullos, as well as the descendants of Walter Anderson, Mary, Billy, Leif, and John, for contributing their time, knowledge, and love for Walter and his art.

Visit the Museum or take a listen below!

(Use headphones for best experience)

The Audio Experience is the result of a collaboration between Goat in the Road Productions and the Walter Anderson Museum of Art. The project is made possible by the generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts and Tulane University’s Monroe Fellowship Research Grant.