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Goat in the Schools

Goat in the Schools 2025: this year two public performances!

Goat in the Schools Public Performance, Orleans Parish
Saturday, March 8 at 2 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)
Doors open at 1:45 pm
Kid-friendly activities and light refreshments available pre-show.

Goat in the Schools Public Performance, St. Bernard Parish
Saturday, March 29 at 10 am
Docville (5124 E Street, E St Bernard Hwy, Violet, LA 70092)

For children ages 3 and up and all those who are young at heart!

Goat in the Schools is GRP's youth theatre show, and the only touring production in New Orleans that features student-written plays performed by professional actors. Each year, GRP chooses four plays written by middle school students in the Play/Write program, stages them with professional actors and designers, and then brings them to local schools (2,000+ students).

The 2024 - 25 school year is GRP’s eighth year bringing Goat in the Schools to New Orleans students!

This year’s show features:
A Day at the Beach by Alexa Urquia
Evil Cyanide Poisons Water by Harlan Houston
The Secret Invasion by Isaiah Briggs
Wanna Go to Dallas? by Ron’nae Harris

Performed by:
Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey
Alexandria Miles
KC Simms
Maggie Tonra

Directed by: Richon May
Stage Manager: Kit Sternberger
Set/Props/Costume Design: Emma Barron
Sound Design: Dylan Hunter

Goat in the Schools is made possible by the Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation, the Starseed Foundation, and the Meraux Foundation.


Goat in the Schools 2023 - 24 show featured:

Survival of the Treacherous Biomes by Niyah Guillory
Bathroom Troubles by Zoe Ford
Alien Takeover by Skylee Barcelona
The Rainy Rejection by Randy Joseph

Starring: Eleanor Humphrey, Dylan Hunter, Alexandria Miles,
and KC Simms
Directed by Richon May
Stage Managed by Kit Sternberger

Show length: 40 minutes
Appropriate for K - 5th grade students

Show photos from our performance at Young Audiences Charter School at Kate Middleton by Josh Brasted