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Upcoming Events

Goat in the Schools Public Showing: St. Bernard
10:00 AM10:00

Goat in the Schools Public Showing: St. Bernard

Saturday, March 29 at 10 am
(5124 E. St., St. Bernard Hwy, Violet)
Doors open at 9:45 am

There will be activities and snacks before and after the show.
Great for ages 3 and up!

Goat in the Schools is GRP's youth theatre show, and the only touring production in New Orleans that features student-written plays performed by professional actors. Each year, GRP chooses four plays written by middle school students in the Play/Write program, stages them with professional actors and designers, and then brings them to local schools (2,000+ students).

The 2024 - 25 school year is GRP’s eighth year bringing Goat in the Schools to New Orleans students!

This year’s show features:
A Day at the Beach by Alexa Urquia
Evil Cyanide Poisons Water by Harlan Houston
The Secret Invasion by Isaiah Briggs
Wanna Go to Dallas? by Ron’nae Harris

Performed by:
Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey
Alexandria Miles
KC Simms
Maggie Tonra

Directed by: Richon May
Stage Manager: Kit Sternberger
Set/Props/Costume Design: Emma Barron
Sound Design: Dylan Hunter

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St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
7:00 PM19:00

St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase

The St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
Wednesday, April 16 at 7 - 8:30 pm
Nunez Community College Auditorium
3710 Paris Rd.
Free and great for all ages!

8 plays from all 7 St. Bernard elementary schools performed by:
- Down Stage Left
- Goat in the Road
- Prescription Joy

Join us for a night of theatre hilarity and joy like no other!

Thank you to the Meraux Foundation for making the Play/Write program possible in St. Bernard.

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Gallatin Alley Workshop Showing
to Mar 23

Gallatin Alley Workshop Showing

Join Goat in the Road for the first workshop of our next immersive play Gallatin Alley.

Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, March 22, 2025
BK House (1113 Chartres St.)
Show at 7 pm (& 4 pm on March 22)

This will be a book-in-hand workshop performance to help us determine what characters and storylines are compelling to our audience as we continue to build our latest immersive show about one of New Orleans early vice districts.

The performance will last approximately an hour with a feedback session and snacks & beverages following!

Directed by: Chris Kaminstein & Richon May
Stage Manager: Kit Sternberger
Set Design: Owen Ever
Costume Design: Erin Routh Smith
Lighting Design: Rachel Levy

Shannon Flaherty, Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey, Ian Hoch, Dylan Hunter, April Louise, Jessica Lozano, Alexandria Miles, Naysan Mojgani, Lisa Shattuck, and KC Simms

Lead Team: Shannon Flaherty, Chris Kaminstein, April Louise, & Richon May

Artwork used with permission from the Historic New Orleans Collection.

Gallatin Alley is supported by a partnership with the BK House. It is also made possible by support from the New Orleans Theatre Association, the Harper Family Foundation and Tulane University's Mellon Graduate Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship. Additional funding comes from a Community Partnership Grant from the Jazz & Heritage Foundation and the Gustaf W. McIlhenny Foundation.

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Goat in the Schools Public Performance: Orleans Parish
2:00 PM14:00

Goat in the Schools Public Performance: Orleans Parish

Goat in the Schools Public Performance: Orleans Parish
Saturday, March 8 at 2 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)

This show is suitable for children ages 3 and up all those young at heart.
Doors will open at 1:45pm.
There will be a few kid-friendly activities and light refreshments.

Goat in the Schools features:
A Day at the Beach by Alexa Urquia
Evil Cyanide Poisons Water by Harlan Houston
The Secret Invasion by Isaiah Briggs
Wanna Go to Dallas? by Ron’nae Harris

Performed by:
Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey
Alexandria Miles
KC Simms
Maggie Tonra

Director: Richon May
Stage Manager: Kit Sternberger
Set/Props/Costume Design: Emma Barron
Sound Design: Dylan Hunter

Goat in the Schools is GRP's youth theatre show, and the only touring production in New Orleans that features student-written plays performed by professional actors. Each year, GRP chooses four plays written by middle school students in the Play/Write program, stages them with professional actors and designers, and then brings them to local schools (2,000+ students). 

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Spooky Bingo Night
6:00 PM18:00

Spooky Bingo Night

Spooky Bingo Night
Friday, October 25 from 6 - 10 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)
Tickets $20 - $60

Family friendly - kids 12 and under are free.
Get two free bingo tickets if you arrive in costume!

Goat in the Road’s annual event features food, drink, and many, many rounds of bingo. Come on out (in costume!) to have fun and support GRP!

Ticket packages:

Bingo Basic ($20 Package)
Dinner, five bingo cards 

Bingo Plus ($40 Package)
Dinner, drink, ten bingo cards 

Bingo Boingo ($60 Package):
Dinner, drink, fifteen bingo cards, a limited release Goat in the Road swag item 

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Walter Anderson Museum of Art Audio Experience
3:00 PM15:00

Walter Anderson Museum of Art Audio Experience

The Walter Anderson Museum of Art (WAMA) and Goat in the Road Productions (GRP) are excited to announce the launch of the Walter Anderson Museum Audio Experience on Saturday, September 28 from 1 - 7 pm

This is not an ordinary museum audio guide. It is a 360 degree listening experience that puts listeners at the very center of Anderson’s story; overhearing imagined conversations, listening to clips from almost a dozen interviews with those who knew him best, and bringing the sounds of the natural world into the museum with high tech mastery. 

Audio Experience Launch and Reception
September 28, 2024
1-  4PM: Audio Experience Launch
5 - 7PM: Reception
Both the experience and reception are free

Guests are invited to sign up online for a time slot. Slots available beginning at the following times: 1PM, 2PM, 3PM, and 4PM for 20 guests each. A live reading and Q & A with Goat in the Road Productions and others that worked on the project will begin at 5PM with a reception to follow.

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WAMA Audip Experience Launch & Reception
9:30 AM09:30

WAMA Audip Experience Launch & Reception

The Walter Anderson Museum of Art (WAMA) and Goat in the Road Productions (GRP) are excited to announce the launch of the Walter Anderson Museum Audio Experience on Saturday, September 28 from 1 - 7 pm

This is not an ordinary museum audio guide. It is a 360 degree listening experience that puts listeners at the very center of Anderson’s story; overhearing imagined conversations, listening to clips from almost a dozen interviews with those who knew him best, and bringing the sounds of the natural world into the museum with high tech mastery. 

Audio Experience Launch and Reception
September 28, 2024
1-  4PM: Audio Experience Launch
5 - 7PM: Reception
Both the experience and reception are free
Sign up here

Guests are invited to sign up online for a time slot. Slots available beginning at the following times: 1PM, 2PM, 3PM, and 4PM for 20 guests each. A live reading and Q&A with Goat in the Road Productions and others that worked on the project will begin at 5PM with a reception to follow.

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Walter Anderson Audio Experience Launch
2:00 PM14:00

Walter Anderson Audio Experience Launch

Walter Anderson Audio Experience Launch and Reception
Saturday, Sept. 28
Walter Anderson Museum of Art
(510 Washington Ave., Ocean Springs, MS)
1-  4PM: Audio Experience Launch
5 - 7PM: Reception
Both the experience and reception are free

Goat in the Road has been working with the Walter Anderson Museum of Arts in Ocean Springs, MS, to premiere an audio experience that is not just a museum guide; it’s storytelling, it's imagined time travel, it's collected interviews, it's sounds from the natural world, it’s a real experience y’all. Premiere: Saturday September 28th, then available...forever!

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Orleans Play/Write Showcase
to May 14

Orleans Play/Write Showcase

The New Orleans Showcase is presented by Goat in the Road and the Theatre UNO

New Orleans Play/Write Showcase
Monday, May 13 & Tuesday, May 14 at 7 pm
University of New Orleans’ Robert E. Nims Theatre
(2000 Lakeshore Dr.)
FREE! Family-friendly!
Reservations are suggested

At the Showcase, sixteen plays written by fifth and six-grade students from the Greater New Orleans area will be performed by local theatre companies.

These companies’ adult performers will bring the students’ words from the page to the stage, celebrating the creativity of all 425 students involved in the Play/Write program this year.  

Each night a unique program!

8 plays by students from the International School of Louisiana

Performed by
Goat in the Road
Intramural Theater
Loyola University Department of Theatre Arts & Dance
The NOLA Project

8 plays by students from Young Audiences Charter School
Lawrence D. Crocker & Kate Middleton Campuses

Performed by:
Blue Light Underground Ensemble
Goat in the Road
Jessica Podewell from Tulane University
KM Dance Project & Dancing Grounds

The Play/Write program consists of yearlong playwriting classes. Over the course of the year, each student writes eight original scripts and chooses one to expand into a full-length play. Eight of these plays are chosen for the Showcase. All students will attend the Showcase event during a morning field trip, where they will receive a formatted and professionally bound copy of their script.  The evening Showcase performance is open to the students’ families and the public.

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St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
7:00 PM19:00

St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase

The St. Bernard Showcase is presented by Goat in the Road and the Meraux Foundation

St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
Wednesday, April 24 at 7 pm
Nunez Community College Auditorium
(3710 Paris Rd., Chalmette, LA)
FREE! Family-friendly!
Reservations are suggested

 At the Showcase, eight plays written by fifth students at St. Bernard schools will be performed by local theatre companies.

These companies’ adult performers will bring the students’ words from the page to the stage, celebrating the creativity of all 175 students involved in the Play/Write program this year.  

Performed by:
Goat in the Road
Prescription Joy
The Coffee House Players

The Play/Write program consists of yearlong playwriting classes. Over the course of the year, each student writes eight original scripts and chooses one to expand into a full-length play. Eight of these plays are chosen for the Showcase. All students will attend the Showcase event during a morning field trip, where they will receive a formatted and professionally bound copy of their script.  The evening Showcase performance is open to the students’ families and the public.

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Top 5 Survival Moves
to Mar 17

Top 5 Survival Moves

Top 5 Survival Moves
March 8 - 17
Friday & Saturdays at 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 17 at 2:30 pm
Contemporary Arts Center (900 Camp St.)

Runtime: 90 minutes

Ticket Pricing
$10 from Jan. 31 - Feb. 17
$15 from Feb. 18 - Feb. 29
$20 from Mar. 1 - 17 (online) 
$25 at the door (at the door)

All ticket sales from the show will benefit Ukrainian soldiers recovering from deployment. 

Top 5 Survival Moves is Goat in the Road Productions’ newest original play built in collaboration with Ukrainian/New Orleanian Katya Chizhayeva. The show will offer a glimpse of Chizayeva’s ongoing work with Ukrainian soldiers coming back from the front lines, and examine the complex identities that Chizhayeva holds; as a Ukrainian, a Jewish person, a New Orleanian, and a fierce opponent of Russian imperialism. Through these lenses, the show offers New Orleans audiences a unique glimpse of life during wartime, and draws parallels to political and social conflict in the United States. 

Click here for more info about the show!

GRP and the CAC are excited to announce a series of community engagement activities that will be happening around the performances.
All are FREE:

Saturday, March 9, post-show talk with the creative team
Saturday, March 16, post-show talk with community members affected by the war
Saturday, March 16 from 12 pm - 1:30 pm, dance workshop based on creative practices from the show with Katya Chizhayeva

Top 5 Survival Moves is presented in association with the Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans.

Top 5 Survival Moves is made possible by support from the New Orleans Theatre Association, the Harper Family Foundation, New Orleans Tourism & Cultural Fund, the RosaMary Foundation, and a Community Partnership Grant from the Jazz & Heritage Foundation.

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Goat in the Schools Public Performance
10:00 AM10:00

Goat in the Schools Public Performance

Goat in the Schools Public Performance
Saturday, March 2 from 10 - 10:45 am
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)

Fun for the whole family!
Especially good for 4 - 10 year olds

Starring: Eleanor Humphrey, Dylan Hunter, Alexandria Miles,
and KC Simms
Directed by Richon May
Stage Managed by Kit Sternberger

The 2023 - 24 show features:
Survival of the Treacherous Biomes by Niyah Guillory
Bathroom Troubles by Zoe Ford
Alien Takeover by Skylee Barcelona
The Rainy Rejection by Randy Joseph

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Carlota Auditions
to Feb 17

Carlota Auditions

Goat in the Road is seeking male, female, and non-binary individuals to help create their new musical, Carlota.
Spanish-speaking and bilingual artists are encouraged to apply.

Auditions are:
Friday, Feb. 16 from 7 - 9 pm
Saturday, Feb. 16 from 2 - 4 pm

Please email to sign up for a 1 hour time slot.
If neither of these times work for you, please reach out anyway :)

There is no need to prepare anything, but please wear clothes that are comfortable to move in.

Saturday, Feb. 16 from 4 - 6 pm

About the show & workshop
Based on a character in The Stranger Disease created by Denise Frazier, and expanded upon for GRP’s digital project Sick Notes, Carlota will be a new musical about Cuba and New Orleans.

The show’s creation will begin with a 40 hour rehearsal workshop this April & May (nights and weekend times).


Goat in the Road está buscando personas masculinas, femeninas y no binarias para desarrollar un musical nuevo y originalc, Carlota.
Se recomienda, encarecidamente, que artistas hispanohablantes y bilingües realicen una audición.

Audiciones en Persona
Viernes, 16 de febrero 7- 9 pm
Sábado, 17 de febrero 2 - 4 pm

Regístrese por correo electrónico para inscribirse una hora de audición.
Si no se puede llegar al horario de las audiciones, comuníquese con Shannon (correo electrónico a continuación) para programar otro horario.

No se necesita preparer, pero por favor se lleva ropa comoda.

La Segunda Gira de Audiciones
Sábado, 17 de febrero de 4 - 6 pm

Sobre La Obra
Carlota es un musical nuevo y original, desarrollado por Denise Frazier y Goat in the Road Productions, sobre Cuba y Nueva Orleans, basado en una personaje en The Stranger Disease & Sick Notes.

El taller incluirá 40 horas de ensayo (principalmente noches y fines de semana).

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Spooky Bingo Night!
7:00 PM19:00

Spooky Bingo Night!

Come out and celebrate Halloween Goat style with as many rounds of spooky bingo as you can stand!

This year’s bingo will be hosted by the hilarious Ian Hoch (WWL Radio) and will support GRP’s 15th season.

Goat in the Road’s Spooky Bingo Night! 
Friday, October 27th 7pm - 10pm
609 St. Ferdinand St.
Tickets: $20 - $60

Spooky Bingo Night will feature:

  • 30 rounds of BINGO with prizes from local businesses

  • Free food!

  • A mini haunted house

  • A costume contest

  • A donation bar with specialty seasonal cocktails

Kids 12 and under are admitted free!
Two free bingo cards if you arrive in costume!

AND first week of tickets are $5 off, just use the promo code: EARLY BIRD

Ticket Packages

Bingo Basic ($20 Package): Dinner + 5 bingo cards 

Bingo Plus ($40 Package): Dinner + 10 bingo cards + a drink

Bingo Boingo ($60 Package): Dinner + 15 bingo cards + a drink + a limited release Goat in the Road swag item 

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New Orleans Play/Write Showcase
to May 16

New Orleans Play/Write Showcase

Goat in the Road and the Theatre UNO are excited to announce the14th annual New Orleans Play/Write Showcase!
A two day event!

New Orleans Play/Write Showcase
Monday, May 15 & Tuesday, May 16 at 7 pm
University of New Orleans’ Robert E. Nims Theatre
(2000 Lakeshore Dr.)
FREE! Family-friendly!
Reservations are suggested

At the Showcase, sixteen plays written by fifth and six-grade students from the Greater New Orleans area will be performed by local theatre companies.

Each night a unique program!

Monday, May 15

8 plays from St. Mary’s Academy, Success at Thurgood Marshall, and the International School of LA

Performed by 
Dancing Grounds & KM Dance Project
Intramural Theater
Loyola University Department of Theatre Arts & Dance
The NOLA Project

Tuesday, May 16

8 plays from Young Audiences Charter School - Kate Middleton & Lawrence D. Crocker campuses

Performed by
Ashé Cultural Arts Center
Blue Light Underground Ensemble
Goat in the Road
Jessica Podewell from Tulane University Department of Theatre & Dance

These companies’ adult performers will bring the students’ words from the page to the stage, celebrating the creativity of all 300 students involved in the Play/Write program this year!

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St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
7:00 PM19:00

St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase

Goat in the Road and the Meraux Foundation are excited to announce the first ever Play/Write Showcase in St. Bernard Parish!

St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase
Wednesday, April 19 at 7 pm
Nunez Community College Auditorium
(3710 Paris Rd., Chalmette, LA)
FREE! Family-friendly!
Reservations are suggested

At the Showcase, eight plays written by fifth-grade students from St. Bernard Parish Public Schools will be performed by local theatre companies.

The Play/Write performance groups are:

Goat in The Road -- Prescription Joy -- Coffee House Players

These companies’ adult performers will bring the students’ words from the page to the stage, celebrating the creativity of all 150 students involved in the Play/Write program this year.  

Participating schools include:

Arabi Elementary -- Arlene Meraux Elementary -- Chalmette Elementary

JF Gauthier Elementary -- Joseph Davies Elementary -- Lacoste Elementary

This is GRP’s 14th year conducting the award-winning Play/Write program, however, it is the first time that the program has been brought to St. Bernard students through funding provided by the Meraux Foundation. We are thrilled!

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Goat in the Schools public show!
5:00 PM17:00

Goat in the Schools public show!

Another Goat in the Schools Public Show!!!

Friday, March 31 at 5 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)
as part of Catapalouza
(Catapult's 10 year anniversary celebration hosted by Mondo Bizarro)
Free and family-friendly! No reservations required!

Come on out and see:
The Ice Cream Machine
- Hot Pocket Factory
- Survival of the Treacherous Biomes
- Bathroom Troubles

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7:00 PM19:00


Come enjoy Goat in the Road's annual (sort of) Bingo Night!

The hilarious Ian Hoch (WWL Radio) will be GRP’s host-with-the-most during this St. Patty’s Day turn-up that includes food, wine, beer, specialty drinks, great prizes, acerbic wit, and over 30 bingo rounds all night long!

Friday, March 17
7 - 10 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)
Tickets $20 - $60
Kids 12 and under are admitted for free.

All proceeds from the Bingo Night event will support GRP’s two educational programs: Play/Write and Goat in the Schools.

-Play/Write is a year-long playwriting class offered to over 600 middle school students in public/charter schools throughout the Greater New Orleans area. The program is the winner of the 2017 Monte Meacham award from the American Alliance for Theater and Education.

-Goat in the Schools is a touring production of student-written plays that reaches over 2,000 students each year.

Please come out and enjoy this family-friendly event!

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Public Goat in the Schools
10:00 AM10:00

Public Goat in the Schools

FREE Family Show!

Saturday, March 4
10 - 11 am
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)

Great for the whole family and particularly kids ages 4 - 10.

We are pleased to be presenting a free-to-the-public performance of our Goat in the Schools program this weekend: four shows written by middle school students, performed by professional actors, that will make you laugh and cry (with laughter).

Goat in the Schools features some of the best performers in the city, including Dylan Hunter, Nicholas Javon, Alexandria Miles, and Maggie Tonra.

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to Feb 5


Goat in the Road, the All in Sexual Violence Prevention Committee, and Tulane University’s Department of Theatre & Dance are remounting the critically acclaimed show Roleplay.

Roleplay is an original play that explores student experiences with love, sex, power, and consent.
It enjoyed a sold-out run at the University in 2019, and the original cast received the Big Easy Theatre Award for ‘Best Ensemble’ that year.

Tulane University’s Lupin Theatre (150 Dixon Hall Annex)
Saturday, Jan. 28- Sunday, Feb. 5
Wednesdays - Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 2 pm

Tickets for Tulane University students are available now.
General Public reservations begin on Wednesday, January 18.
In addition, 25 tickets will be released at the door each night.

Roleplay is made possible by support from the Tulane University Campus Health and All In: Tulane's Commitment to Stop All Sexual Violence. Thanks to the Newcomb Institute for their continued support.

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4:30 PM16:30

The Working Body: A post-show discussion on the Past, Present and Future of Black and Immigrant labor organizing in New Orleans

Historic BK House and Goat in the Road are pleased to announce a community partnership with Step Up Louisiana and the New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice! 

In addition to providing powerful context through A TIMELINE: NEW ORLEANS BLACK WORKER ORGANIZING HISTORY on display in the BK House, together we will be hosting our first community event: 

The Working Body: A post-show discussion on the Past, Present and Future of Black and Immigrant labor organizing in New Orleans
Sunday, Nov. 20
4:30 - 5:30 pm (following the matinee show)
Attendance is free, but please RSVP.

Panelists will include members of New Orleans Workers’ Center for Racial Justice, Step Up Louisiana, and Our Voice Nuestra Voz.

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The Family Line
to Jan 29

The Family Line

Goat in the Road and the Historic BK House are excited to announce
a SECOND EXTENSION of The Family Line!

A new immersive play set in the BK Historic House and Gardens, The Family Line sold out its initial run and extension #1 from Oct. 21 - Dec. 18.
We have now added 5 more weeks!

The Family Line
Oct. 21 - Jan. 29
Wednesdays & Thursdays at 7:30 pm
Fridays at 6 pm & 8 pm
Sundays at 2:30 pm
BK House (1113 Chartres St.)
Tickets are $40
Frequently Asked Questions

The show is an immersive, original performance inspired by the history of the house and the 1892 General Strike, a successful interracial organizing event that shut down the city for days before winning workers’ historic rights.

During the show, audience members will be able to explore the historic property, following the characters and storylines they choose. The production will take place in the historic courtyard and surrounding buildings, making it accessible to all. More show info here.

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2022 Play/Write Showcase
7:00 PM19:00

2022 Play/Write Showcase

2022 Play/Write Showcase
Monday, August 29 & Tuesday, August 30 at 7 pm
University of New Orleans’ Robert E. Nims Theatre (2000 Lakeshore Dr.)
FREE! Family-friendly!

Monday, August 29
8 plays from the International School of Louisiana & St. Mary’s Academy
performed by
Intramural Theater
KM Dance Project & Dancing Grounds
Beabourg Theatre

Tuesday, August 30
8 plays from Young Audiences Charter School Kate Middleton & Lawrence D. Crocker campuses
performed by
Prescription Joy
Maggie Tonra Presents
Goat in the Road

Play/Write consists of yearlong playwriting and theatre classes. Over the course of the year, each student writes eight original scripts, and chooses one to expand into a full length play. 16 of these plays are chosen for the Showcase. All students will attend the Showcase event during a morning field trip, where they will receive a formatted and professionally bound copy of their script. The evening Showcase performances are open to the students’ families and the public.

Reservations are not necessary for admittance.

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2022 Play/Write Showcase
9:30 AM09:30

2022 Play/Write Showcase

The original event in May was canceled due to COVID but we are overjoyed to announce the show will go on!

2022 Play/Write Showcase
Monday, August 29 & Tuesday, August 30 at 7 pm
University of New Orleans’ Robert E. Nims Theatre (2000 Lakeshore Dr.)
FREE! Family-friendly!

16 student-written plays from the 2021-22 Play/Write program will be performed by local theatre and dance companies.

Monday, August 29

8 plays from the International School of Louisiana & St. Mary’s Academy

performed by

Intramural Theater

KM Dance Project & Dancing Grounds

Beabourg Theatre

8 plays from Young Audiences Charter School Kate Middleton & Lawrence D. Crocker campuses

performed by

Prescription Joy

Maggie Tonra Presents

Goat in the Road

Play/Write consists of yearlong playwriting and theatre classes. Over the course of the year, each student writes eight original scripts, and chooses one to expand into a full length play. 16 of these plays are chosen for the Showcase. All students will attend the Showcase event during a morning field trip, where they will receive a formatted and professionally bound copy of their script. The evening Showcase performances are open to the students’ families and the public.

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2022 Play/Write Showcase
to May 17

2022 Play/Write Showcase

The 13th Annual Play/Write Showcase
Monday, May 16 & Tuesday, May 17 at 7 pm
at UNO’s Robert E. Nims Theatre (2000 Lakeshore Dr.)
FREE! Family-friendly!

Masks will be required at the Showcase.

Beabourg Theatre
KM Dance Project & Dancing Grounds
The Radical Buffoons
Goat in the Road
Intramural Theater
Tulane Theatre
Nari Tomasetti

presenting shows from

Monday, May 16

8 plays from the International School of Louisiana & St. Mary’s Academy

Tuesday, May 17
8 plays from Young Audiences Charter School Kate Middleton & Lawrence D. Crocker campuses

Play/Write consists of yearlong playwriting and theatre classes. Over the course of the year, each student writes eight original scripts, and chooses one to expand into a full length play. 16 of these plays are chosen for the Showcase. All students will attend the Showcase event during a morning field trip, where they will receive a formatted and professionally bound copy of their script.  The evening Showcase performances are open to the students’ families and the public.

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Pirate Improv Show #2
2:00 PM14:00

Pirate Improv Show #2

Pirate Improv Show #2!
Saturday, April 16 at 2:30 pm
Doors open at 2 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)

With 2 new pirates!
Featuring the original pirates: Grace Blakeman, Chris Kaminstein, and Lauren Malara, and now with two new crew members, Mary Jacobs and Ian Hoch, this unique every time, improvised show takes audiences on a journey of daring and delight with five not-so-brave pirates in search of treasure.

This free, family friendly show is great for audiences of all ages, but will bring particular joy to those ages 5 - 12.

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Sick Notes: Release Party
7:00 PM19:00

Sick Notes: Release Party

Sick Notes: Release Party
with performance by Les Cenelles
Friday, April 8 from 7 - 10 pm
Beauregard-Keyes House (1113 Chartres St.)
Tickets: $20

On Friday, April 8th Goat in the Road invites you to come in-person (IN PERSON!) to celebrate the release of our very first multimedia online experience, Sick Notes: Letter from an Epidemic.  The night will feature select readings by the Sick Notes actor/creators, snacks and adult beverages, a champagne toast, and a performance by our favorite string ensemble, Les Cenelles. While the website is already live and viewable, we are taking the opportunity to celebrate Sick Notes in-person, in the beautiful location where it was filmed.

The Music:
Les Cenelles is a contemporary string ensemble exploring the Creole diaspora through melody and memory.  The group honors their cultural ancestors, and preserves the plurality of their experiences, through a prismatic and contemporary lens. Featuring Goat in the Road ensemble members Denise Frazier and Peter Bowling.

What is Sick Notes?
Sick Notes is a unique digital experience that combines performance, historical fiction, and digital video in order to bring to life the 1878 New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic. The project, a series of fictional letters written by New Orleans residents at the time, reflects our society’s response to public health emergencies. Digital visitors can explore the website, following different characters through their journey of the outbreak. Each character represents a different piece of 19th century New Orleans: Adeline, who runs a boarding house; Joe, her partner; Eleanor, the milliner downstairs; Moss, the conman; Caolfhoinn, the Irish domestic; and Carlota, a Cuban woman headed back to her country of origin. You can check out the full experience at

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to Apr 6


For Goat in the Road’s newest immersive show!
Premiering in the fall of 2022 with rehearsal this spring,
April 30th – May 27th
(Weekdays and evenings)

Round 1: Video auditions
Accepted March 30 - April 6

Round 2: In person auditions
By invitation only

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Sick Notes: A Release Party
10:30 AM10:30

Sick Notes: A Release Party

Sick Notes: Release Party
with music by Les Cenelles
Friday, April 8 from 7 - 10 pm
Beauregard-Keyes House (1113 Chartres St.)
$15 - 30 sliding scale

 On Friday, April 8th Goat in the Road invites you to come in-person (IN PERSON!) to celebrate the release of our very first multimedia online experience, Sick Notes: Letter from an Epidemic.  The night will feature select readings by the Sick Notes actor/creators, snacks and adult beverages, a champagne toast, and a performance by our favorite string ensemble, Les Cenelles. While the website is already live and viewable, we are taking the opportunity to celebrate Sick Notes in-person, in the beautiful location where it was filmed. Tickets available at

The Music:
Les Cenelles is a contemporary string ensemble exploring the Creole diaspora through melody and memory.  The group honors their cultural ancestors, and preserves the plurality of their experiences, through a prismatic and contemporary lens. Featuring Goat in the Road ensemble members Denise Frazier and Peter Bowling.

What is Sick Notes?
Sick Notes is a unique digital experience that combines performance, historical fiction, and digital video in order to bring to life the 1878 New Orleans Yellow Fever Epidemic. The project, a series of fictional letters written by New Orleans residents at the time, reflects our society’s response to public health emergencies. Digital visitors can explore the website, following different characters through their journey of the outbreak. Each character represents a different piece of 19th century New Orleans: Adeline, who runs a boarding house; Joe, her partner; Eleanor, the milliner downstairs; Moss, the conman; Caolfhoinn, the Irish domestic; and Carlota, a Cuban woman headed back to her country of origin. You can check out the full experience

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Goat in the Schools: Imaginary Bunny!
2:30 PM14:30

Goat in the Schools: Imaginary Bunny!

Join Goat in the Road on Saturday, March 19 at 3 pm for a free public performance of Goat in the Schools: Imaginary Bunny! featuring four hilarious and adventure-filled plays written by middle school students, starring professional actors! 

Goat in the Schools (GITS), now in its fifth year, is excited to make its triumphal return after time off due to COVID. GITS is on the road to local NOLA schools this spring, and is stopping by Catapult to share this student-written magic with the community at large!

Saturday, March 19 at 3 pm (last 45 minutes)
Doors at 2:30 pm
Catapult (609 St. Ferdinand St.)
Family-friendly (best suited for ages K - 5)
FREE and snacks and beverages will be available!

Proof of vaccine or negative COVID test from the last 72 hours (for ages 5+) required at the door. Due to the young age of our audience, masks will be required inside Catapult.

This year’s show:
Sick Day by Kacie Watts
The Essay by George Figueroa-Vasquez
The Ice Cream Machine by Gina Miclisse
Hot Pocket Factory by Zayda Jones

Starring: Julie Dietz, Dylan Hunter, Tenaj Jackson, and Matt Thekkethala
Stage managed by Kit Sternberger
Directed by Mary Guiteras
Costumes by Ellen Bull
Props by Destany Gorham
Sound by Steve Gilliland

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Pirate Improv Show!
3:00 PM15:00

Pirate Improv Show!

Goat in the Road is excited to announce its first in-person show in a LONG time!

Saturday, October 30 at 3 pm and 4 pm
Showtime: 35 minutes
Parleaux Beer Lab (634 Lesseps St.)


Featuring Grace Blakeman, Chris Kaminstein, and Lauren Malara in this unique every time, improvised show that will take you on a journey of daring and delight with three not-so-brave pirates in search of treasure.

This family friendly show is great for audiences of all ages, but will bring particular joy to those ages 5 - 12.

And because it’s Halloween, you are invited to join in the fun! Come in costume (any costume!), and expect to receive your fair share of bootie!

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Finish the Thing: June 2021
to Jun 19

Finish the Thing: June 2021

  • Google Calendar ICS

Finish the Thing: June 2021
Saturdays from 10 am - 1 pm, May 29 - June 19
$200 (early bird pricing of $150 til May 3)

Due to its popularity in the fall 2020, GRP co-Artistic Director Chris Kaminstein is leading another four-week workshop for adult playwrights who are looking to FINISH THAT PROJECT. Featuring prompts and activities from Goat in the Road's research-based writing process, this intensive is great for new writers and old stalwarts alike.

More info and sign up here!

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