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Foreign to Myself

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Foreign to Myself

“Then you get out of the military and you try to integrate back—you do integrate back into the civilian world, but you quickly realize that nobody else is thinking that way, nobody else is thinking that everything they do is for a team.” —Smith&True, 2014

GRP announces the remount of its critically-acclaimed show Foreign to Myself, which premiered at the Contemporary Arts Center in May 2017. Foreign to Myself is a unique theatrical production that follows the life of a returning United States Military Veteran with humor, grace, and compassion.  

Based on years of research and interviews, and extensive community-based partnerships, GRP has created a breathtaking portrait of a female Marine who is struggling to find her place at home after three tours in Iraq.

“Highlights the humanity both at the heart of the work and at the heart of the ensemble that brought it to life."   - Brad Rhines, American Theatre

Earlier Event: December 4
Shakesbeer: Romeo & Juliet
Later Event: March 3
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