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Shakesbeer: Romeo & Juliet

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Shakesbeer: Romeo & Juliet

Monday, December 4 at 7 pm
Parleaux Beer Lab (634 Lesseps St.)

Friday, December 8 at 7 pm
Parleaux Beer Lab (634 Lesseps St.)

Saturday, December 9 at 7 pm
Twelve Mile Limit (500 S. Telemachus St.)

All shows are FREE!

Goat in the Road Productions (GRP) is pleased to bring New Orleans a new way to watch Shakespeare: “Shakesbeer the Drinking Game: Romeo & Juliet”. What better way to enjoy the romantic-bawdy-silliness, of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedy than with a beer in your hand, hollering and shedding tears in iambic pentameter?

Working with award winning Director and project creator Mark Routhier (Nola Project: Balm and Gilead, Marie Antoinette, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) GRP is taking the world’s most well-known love story, reducing it to half an hour, and setting it in a bar. Starring Julie Dietz, Mack Guillory III, and Lauren Malara this tale of woe and amorous conquest will get you in perfect drinking shape for the holidays.

Earlier Event: October 20
Later Event: January 12
Foreign to Myself