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Foreign to Myself

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Foreign to Myself

Contemporary Arts Center (900 Camp St.)
Tickets $35 available here or at the door

“Then you get out of the military and you try to integrate back—you do integrate back into the civilian world, but you quickly realize that nobody else is thinking that way, nobody else is thinking that everything they do is for a team.” —Smith&True, 2014

Less than one half of one percent of U.S. citizens currently serve in the armed forces, creating a an experience gap between Veterans and civilians. Goat in the Road has spent the last two plus years connecting with military Veterans, families, and medical experts to build this fast-moving, darkly funny play about the daily life of the returning Vet. 

Performers and Creators William Bowling, Shannon Flaherty, Denise Frazier, Darci Fulcher, Jeremy Guyton, Dylan Hunter, Leslie Boles Kraus
Composer Peter Bowling
Director Chris Kaminstein
Design Team Nicolas Benacerraf, Joshua Courtney, Owen Ever, Kyle Sheehan,Kit Sternberger, Kaci Thomassie

Earlier Event: May 15
Play/Write Showcase
Later Event: October 7
Goats at Art for Art's Sake