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Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey - Education Director

Staff Blog

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey - Education Director

Shannon Flaherty

Education Director

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey is an actor, creative arts educator, and all-around lover of crafts.  As an educator, she has taught theater, playwriting, music theory, vocal technique, choral direction, visual arts, and culinary arts to students of all ages since 2015. In addition to her work with GRP, Eleanor is a standardized patient for medical schools across the country, and has played onstage with Crescent City Stage and No Dream Deferred in New Orleans. She loves to bring her creativity, joyful sense of play, and performance experience into every teaching space. In her free time, you can usually find her reading, crocheting, cooking, or making candles. Eleanor earned her bachelor’s degree from Saint Louis University in 2014 and now lives in New Orleans.