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Get Your Art On

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Get Your Art On

Get Your Art On!
The Contemporary Arts Center (900 Camp St.)
FREE admission

Get Your Art On is a collection of dynamic art-making workshops and creative experiences, including entrance to the New Orleans Contemporary Arts Center (CAC). Free and open to the public, with complimentary food, drink, and activities for children, Get Your Art On will be an open and welcoming art-making space for all: military service members and Veterans, their families, artists, civilians, and everyone in between. 

This event is being presented in conjunction with GRP's new play Foreign to Myself, which will premiere at the CAC in May 2017.

Workshops will include: 

  • Louisiana Prayer Flags - Porch Stories, an installation by artists Babette Beaullieu and Jan Gilbert, is an invitation to celebrate who we are today in Louisiana - this lively layering of many racial/cultural backgrounds and to share this reflection in dialogue with a wider audience. Come sit on our porch and tell us a story!
  • Playwriting workshop with staged readings – Working with UNO MFA Bryon Reiger, participants will explore the opportunity that playwriting provides to express big ideas, big emotions, or simple, quiet moments. Participants will then see their work go from page to stage as their scenes are brought to life by local New Orleans actors.
  • Combat Paper - Through public workshops and home bunker studios, Combat Paper transforms military uniforms into handmade paper. For ten years a growing team of veterans have been learning and teaching the ancient handmade paper technique. This handmade paper creates a platform for veterans and non-veterans to come together and make art that communicates experiences and thoughts relating the the military and war.
  • Expressive visual art making - Hosted by Whole Village Art Therapy, a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing high quality, community based art therapy and mental health services to all. Whole Village's art therapists will facilitate an artmaking experience to support creative expression for adults, children, and families. No art experience is necessary. 

We are excited to be hosting this event with the CAC , as well as the NOLA Veterans Arts and Humanities Alliance. This group, created in the fall of 2016, brings together veterans, health care providers, artists, and other community members who believe in the power of the arts and humanities to promote healing and mutual understanding, with the goal of creating more opportunities for art-making and dialogue involving veterans and the larger community in New Orleans.

Earlier Event: December 7
Numb in NYC
Later Event: May 15
Play/Write Showcase