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Our Man at FORGE Festival

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Our Man at FORGE Festival

Goat in the Road Productions and Skin Horse Theater announce FORGE, a new performance festival, running from April 13th – 16th at the Theatre at St. Claude (2240 St. Claude Ave.).

FORGE will present Goat in the Road's Our Man, Nat & Veronica's She Was Born, and Mz. Asa Metric and Mqr. En Between's Creep Cutswith shows nightly at 7pm, 9pm and 11pm. 

Visit the FORGE website for the specify schedule!

Lagniappe installations and performances from other members of the visual and performing arts community will take place between show times, making FORGE a non-stop maelstrom of multi-disciplinary performance.

Tickets are $10 per show or $25 for a 3 ticket package and can at the door or online at


Earlier Event: April 10
Goat at French Quarter Festival!
Later Event: May 9
2016 Play/Write Showcase