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Second Annual Fundraiser

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Second Annual Fundraiser

New Orleans Pharmacy Museum (514 Chartres St.)
Tickets $20 at the door or online here

After a successful fundraiser at the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum last September, GRP wants to do it again! This year's party is inspired by GRP’s fall show, an adaptation of one of Anton Chekhov’s most celebrated plays, called Uncle Vanya: Quarter Life Crisis.

Schedule for the evening:

7 pm: Doors open! Attendees are free to peruse the Museum and visit stations set up in the beautiful courtyard:

  • Chekhov-inspired vignettes
  • Photos of you exhibiting "countryside ennui"
  • Comedians CJ Hunt and James Hamilton improvise "The Hook"
  • Giant Jenga
  • Raffle items from local artists
  • Absinthe bar (we're at the Pharmacy Museum, so why not?)
  • Adult beverages served by the Movers and Shakers

9 pm: Performance by New Orleans based acrobatic duo Acrodisiac and raffle drawing.

Acrodisiac performs Flag. Photo by Don Corbitt.

Acrodisiac performs Flag. Photo by Don Corbitt.

Proceeds will support GRP’s 2015 -16 season. The season features an adaptation of one of Chekhov’s most beloved works called Uncle Vanya: Quarter Life Crisis in November 2015, and its young playwrights’ festival, Play/Write, in May 2016.

Earlier Event: May 11
Play/Write Showcase
Later Event: November 5
Uncle Vanya: Quarter Life Crisis