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A Day of Chekhov

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A Day of Chekhov

5 pm: Artspot Productions’ presents a remembering of their 2004 production Chekhov’s Wild Ride

6:15 – 7:45 pm: Complimentary Moscow Mules featuring Kettle One vodka and snacks with panel and performances featuring Natasha Ramer from Moscow Nights

8 pm: Goat in the Road presents Uncle Vanya: Quarter Life Crisis

 On Nov. 21, ArtSpot Productions, Goat in the Road, and Moscow Nights will present A Day of Chekhov, an extended day of Chekhov performances and discussion. Beginning at 5 pm, ArtSpot will present a "remembering" of their 2004 production, Chekhov's Wild Ride (part of ArtSpot's Remembering Series for their 20th Anniversary Year). Immediately following, ArtSpots' Kathy Randels, Goat in the Road's Chris Kaminstein, and Natasha Ramer, Artistic Director of Moscow Nights (based in the Greater Metropolitan Area), will discuss their work and Chekhov's relevance to Louisiana today. There will also be short performances by Moscow Nights and Russian-inspired drinks and snacks.

$15 tickets (cash or card) sold at the door for Chekhov's Wild Ride, post-show snacks and talk. Attendees can purchase tickets for the whole day at the door for $30.