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This Sweaty City

This Sweaty City: Episode 3

Friday, May 2 and Saturday, May 3 at 8 pm

The Shadowbox Theater

2400 St. Claude Ave.

$10 - at the door or online here

The performance will feature the voices of over 12 local performers and live original music, creating a magical realist radio drama that comes to life right in front of your own ears!

“This Sweaty City” is a two-pronged project composed of:
1) an 8-part live performance series and
2) 8 episodic podcasts

LISTEN TO EPISODE 1: Dead Man Waking Up

LISTEN TO EPISODE 2: G.E. The Bulova Electric Clock Radio

City’s plot is a magical realist story that follows Peter Demeter, a late-night experimental radio DJ, fathered by the god Pan, as he explores a water-laden city, eerily similar to our dear crescent, in which bicycles have personalities and bureaucratic offices operate on moving steamboats. Audiences will follow the sweaty city’s inhabitants through 12 episodes over three years. It is written by Will Bowling, Shannon Flaherty, and Chris Kaminstein.

The live performance of episode 1 took place on Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13 at the Shadowbox Theatre.

It included the voices of Aurora Nealand, Andy Vaught, John Grimsley, Emilie Whelan, AJ Allegra, Ian Hoch, Nick Slie, Dylan Hunter, Molly Ruben-Long, Donald Lewis, Jen Pagan, Owen Ever, Shannon Flaherty, Will Bowling, and Chris Kaminstein. Original music by Peter Bowling and featuring a song by Aurora Nealand.

The live performance of episode 2 took place on Friday, November and Saturday, at Luthjen's Dance Hall as part of the New Orleans Fringe Festival.

The performance included the voices of Chris Kaminstein, Shannon Flaherty, Aurora Nealand, William Bowling, Jen Pagan, Bonnie Gabel, Francesca McKenzie, Dane Rhodes, Pamela D. Roberts, Will Bowling, Francesca McKenzie, Andy Vaught, Veronica Russell, Emily Slazer, Dylan Hunter, and Todd D’Amour. Original music by Peter Bowling performed by Peter Bowling, Free Feral, and Dylan Hunter.