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Showcases 2012 - 2017

Photos from Showcase 2012 - 2104 at Dillard University's Cook Theatre taken by Jess Pinkham.

The Showcase would not be possible without the dedication and artistry of all the producing theatre companies over the years:

American Theatre Project
Amplified Voices
Artspot Productions
Ashe Cultural Arts Center
Cripple Creek Theatre
Dillard University Theatre
Junebug Productions
Night Light Collective
Pamela Davis-Noland
Skin Horse Theater
The NOLA Project

Play/Write is supported a grant from the Gambit’s Foundation for Entertainment, Development and Education, the Keller Family Foundation, and the New Orleans Theatre Association. It is also supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council, and a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans; these grants are administered by the Arts Council of New Orleans.