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1874_View of the French Market and ships by John William Orr.jpeg

Gallatin Alley The People

The Creative Team

Lead Team:
Shannon Flaherty, Chris Kaminstein, April Louise, & Richon May

Directed by: Chris Kaminstein & Richon May
Stage Manager: Kit Sternberger
Set Design: Owen Ever
Costume Design: Erin Routh Smith
Lighting Design: Rachel Levy

Shannon Flaherty,
Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey,
Ian Hoch,
Dylan Hunter,
April Louise,
Jessica Lozano,
Alexandria Miles,
Naysan Mojgani,
Lisa Shattuck, and
KC Simms

The Space Quest Team

Lead Committee
Shannon Flaherty, Tatiana Clay Jurzak, Chris Kaminstein, Jessica Lozano, Lisa Shattuck, Laura Stein, Audrey Voelker,

Advisory Committee
Michaela Rose Brown
David Dempsey, Workshop WDXL
Aminisha Ferdinand, Professional Learning & Design Faciliation
Caroline Leffert
Rachel Levy, Owner and Principal Lighting Designer and Cultural Strategist at RL Designs
Richard Read, NOCCA Foundation
Kyle Sheehan
April L. Skipper, Young Audiences of Louisiana
Eileen Tomczuck

Gallatin Alley is supported by a partnership with the BK House. It is also made possible by support from the New Orleans Theatre Association, the Harper Family Foundation and Tulane University’s Mellon Graduate Program in Community-Engaged Scholarship. Additional funding comes from a Community Partnership Grant from the Jazz & Heritage Foundation and the Gustaf W. McIlhenny Foundation.