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Spring 2025 Season Announcement Banner (2).jpg



Goat in the Schools Public Performance:
St. Bernard Parish

Saturday, March 29 at 10 am
Docville (5124 E. St., St. Bernard Hwy.)
Doors open at 9:45 am

There will be activities and snacks before and after the show.
Great for ages 3 and up!

Photos from GITS 2023 - 24 by Josh Brasted.
More about Goat in the Schools here.

The St. Bernard Play/Write Showcase

Wednesday, April 16 at 7 - 8:30 pm
Nunez Community College Auditorium
3710 Paris Rd.
Free and great for all ages!

8 plays from all 7 St. Bernard elementary schools performed by:
- Down Stage Left
- Goat in the Road
- Prescription Joy

Join us for a night of theatre hilarity and joy like no other!

Thank you to the Meraux Foundation for making the Play/Write program possible in St. Bernard.

GRP welcomes new ensemble members!

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey

Eleanor Frederic-Humphrey

David Hidalgo

Helen Jaksch

Maggie Tonra

Mandi Wood

These five wonderful artists have worked with us on many projects over the past few years and we are so excited to work on many more.

We are grateful to them for joining us!!!

2023 - 24 was YEAR 15 for the Goats!

Watch the video above to hear what we’ve done and where we’re headed.

Thank you to all our funders and partners who make our work possible!

Operating support for Goat in the Road is provided by the Rouse Family Foundation, the RosaMary Foundation, and the Foundation for Louisiana. It is also funded by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans and administered by the Arts Council New Orleans, as well as by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a Federal agency.