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Maggie Tonra

Ensemble Blog

Maggie Tonra

Shannon Flaherty

Maggie Tonra is a performer, director and educator originally from San Antonio, Texas. She has always had a passion for telling new dynamic stories and is a proud Goat with Goat in the Road. She has participated in Goat in the Schools and Top Five Survival Moves. Maggie is currently teaching Voice and Movement I at Loyola University, a leader of the drama club at Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women with Art Spot Productions, a yoga teacher at Balance Yoga, and a band member with the Afro Brazilian Rhythm Krewe Tamojunto.  Previously she taught and directed at MacArthur High School in San Antonio, Texas. Maggie trained as a performer at DePaul University and Second City in Chicago. She received her MFA in Directing from the University of New Orleans. She has a love for sailing, hiking and hanging out with her sweet dog Amadeus.